CLUB RULES:1. Pick up your trash before leaving the classroom.
2. Nothing above light chatter (whispering) during presentations.
3. Do not insult the anime we're showing while we're showing it, and do not make rude comments during other people's reviews/recommendations. You can bash the stuff elsewhere, outside of our club.
FORUM RULES:1. Place your threads in the
correct forum and title them
2. No spamming. Spamming includes posting gibberish or meaningless topics that do not involve any conversation whatsoever, and also posting unwanted advertisements. (You can, however, post advertisements in your signature.)
3. No double-posting. Double-posting is when you post a reply right after yourself in the same topic thread. If you have something else to add to your post before someone else makes a reply, use the edit button. Double-posting inflates your EXP and is prohibited.
Absolutely no bashing/flaming/fights. Be respectful to the other members!!
5. Pornographic content is prohibited, including hentai.
IN REGARDS TO SPOILERS...Don't be that one person who spoils an entire series for someone else. If you're going to make a thread that includes spoilers,
put a warning in your topic title.
If your post contains a spoiler,
use the spoiler tags.
- Code:
[spoiler]Insert text[/spoiler]
Violators of these rules will be punished... severely.
Just be aware;
we do have the right to revoke any one of your memberships. So if you are not courteous or are abusive to a fellow member, we can kick you out of here!
Yes... be afraid... be
veeeeery afraid.